

Welcome to Radiant Kids!

Our Commitment to You

Safety is Our Priority

We go out of our way to protect your kids! Their safety is our #1 priority. All of our adult team members are background-checked and fully-trained to keep your kids safe. While you’re enjoying our worship service, you can relax knowing your children are in a safe, clean, and loving environment!

Jesus is our Pursuit

We want every kid to have a heart that hears from God and pursues Him with all they have. This includes developing a personal friendship with Jesus!

Relationship is our Heart

We know life-change happens in the context of community, which is why we value consistent leaders in your child’s classroom. Every week these leaders will help your child grow in relationship with Jesus and develop a life-giving community of friends.

Fun is our Mark

We want Sunday to be the MOST EPIC day of your kids week! Our goal is for your child to beg you to come back week after week!

Excellence is our Standard

We’re committed to giving our very best each time we gather together. Whether we’re teaching in person or online, our goal is to produce an excellent resource. We’re here to help equip the next generation, and we don’t take that calling lightly!

New Family?
Click Here to Register

Our Age Groups


We call our infants and 1 year olds our Dreamers, because they’ve just entered the world. They’re growing and learning what it’s all about! Your child will experience God’s love through the care of our trained Dream Team. Each week in this class, they will be prayed over, shown God’s love through play and songs, and often enjoy a nice nap.


We call our 2 and 3 year olds our Explorers, because these toddlers love to explore God’s creation! From climbing to dancing and everything in between, your child will have a blast exploring God’s love through hands on experiences designed just for them.


Our preschool and kindergarten kids love learning that they’re part of God’s Big Story, the Bible! Each week in this class, our Heroes hear a story from God’s Word and learn how to apply God’s Word in their own lives. Worship, play, and crafts are all big parts of what our Heroes do every Sunday in Radiant Kids!


First through fifth grade students are learning who they are in Christ through the calling He has on their life. We want our elementary aged kids to know they have the opportunity to be a Legend—to go stand out for being a bold follower of Jesus! Every Sunday in this class, our Legends experience their very own worship service with engaging music, games, Bible lessons, small groups, and a practical application that they can use to impact the world around them.

with Parents

We believe the best way we can help your kids develop a strong spiritual foundation is by partnering with you. Together, we can help encourage, train, and pray for them as they grow in their faith.

Here are some practical ways we can partner up to make this goal a reality:

1. Pick a consistent service time and location to help your kids build a relationship with their Small Group leader and other kids their age.

2. Together, practice the current Radiant Kids Scripture memorization.

3. Follow @weareradiantkids on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on everything happening for your kids.

4. Join a Radiant Small Group with other parents

5. Pray for your children each week as they come to church, and pray for our teams as they serve and care for your kids.

Water Baptism

Hey Parents!
If your child has made the decision to follow Jesus, it may be time to take the next step by being water baptized. Here you will find a video and a water baptism guide to help you and your child talk through what it means to be water baptized.

Guide to
Water Baptism

We’re so excited that you’re considering baptism for your child! Every child can have a personal relationship with Jesus, and, at Radiant Kids, we encourage each child to make a decision to follow Him. Our children are encouraged not just to learn about Jesus, but to learn from Him by walking with Him every day. We advise parents to wait until their child is asking to be water baptized. This is usually a good indication that they’re ready to be baptized, because this will be a huge spiritual milestone in their life. While younger children can have a relationship with Jesus, they won’t necessarily remember or understand the significance of the event. We encourage parents to wait for baptism until they are in the second grade or older.

As you discern if your child is ready to be water baptized, here are some questions to ask your child.

1. When did you decide to follow Jesus and become born again?

Your child should have a specific memory of when he or she understood what Jesus did, and that he or she needs Jesus in their life. It may have been at church, at home, or even when they were alone.

1. When did you decide to follow Jesus and become born again?

Your child should have a specific memory of when he or she understood what Jesus did, and that he or she needs Jesus in their life. It may have been at church, at home, or even when they were alone. 

2. What does it mean to be water baptized?

 I am following Jesus, and I want everyone to know! It is a picture of what Jesus has done on the inside of me. 

3. Why do you want to be water baptized?

Because Jesus was baptized and he tells us to be baptized too. Because I want to follow Him. Because I am born again. 

4. What if your child IS NOT ready?

If you feel your child does not understand what it means to be water baptized, it is entirely appropriate to wait. During this time, let your child observe water baptism and talk to them about what it means. We would love for you to read through the water baptism devotional with your child and encourage them in their personal friendship with Jesus.


Part 1: Obeying Jesus’ Commandment

“So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIRV

Water baptism is one of the first steps you take in following Jesus. A disciple of Jesus does not just learn about Jesus but follows Jesus and does the things He taught and modeled. The number one reason you should get baptized in water is because Jesus tells you to be baptized. When you were saved from sin by making Jesus your Lord, you were brought into God’s family under Jesus’ control. That means you have decided to do what Jesus says and follow His example. Jesus was baptized in water Himself, and He set the example for all of the disciples to follow.

Take time right now to read about Jesus’ baptism in your Bible in Matthew 3:13-17.

Question: What is the number one reason you should be baptized in water?

Part 1: Obeying Jesus’ Commandment

“So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIRV

Water baptism is one of the first steps you take in following Jesus. A disciple of Jesus does not just learn about Jesus but follows Jesus and does the things He taught and modeled. The number one reason you should get baptized in water is because Jesus tells you to be baptized. When you were saved from sin by making Jesus your Lord, you were brought into God’s family under Jesus’ control. That means you have decided to do what Jesus says and follow His example. Jesus was baptized in water Himself, and He set the example for all of the disciples to follow.

Take time right now to read about Jesus’ baptism in your Bible in Matthew 3:13-17.

Question: What is the number one reason you should be baptized in water?

Part 2: An Outward Picture

“When you were baptized, you were buried together with Jesus, and you were raised to life together with him.” Colossians 2:12 NIRV

Water baptism is an outward picture of what Jesus has done for you on the inside. Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and then was raised from the dead to life! When you were saved from sin by making Jesus your Lord, there was a death, a burial, and a raising to life that happened in your spirit. (I Corinthians 12:13) This is why you go all the way under the water when you are baptized. You are showing people that your old spirit and all your sins are buried with Jesus. When you come up out of the water, you are saying that Jesus has given you new life inside, that you have been born again.

Everyone can see the picture of the change that has taken place on the inside of you.

Question: Water baptism is a picture of what?

Part 3: A Decision of Faith

“By being baptized, we were buried with Jesus into his death. Christ has been raised from the dead by the Father’s glory. And like Jesus we also can live a new life.” Romans 6:4 NIRV

Water baptism does not save or make you born again. It has no purpose or meaning until after a person has decided to follow Jesus and has invited Him to be the Lord of their life. However, water baptism is a very important step in following Jesus. When you decided to follow Jesus, you made a decision of faith to receive Him into your life. When you are baptized in water, you are making a decision of faith to follow Him for your whole life. You are choosing to let Jesus be in charge of your new life. Your water baptism will always be a reminder of your decision to follow Jesus.

Question: What decision of faith are you making when you are water baptized?


Is my child ready for water baptism?

We encourage you to read the Water Baptism Guide and the Water Baptism Devotional to see if your child is ready for water baptism.

Is my child ready for water baptism?

We encourage you to read the Water Baptism Guide and the Water Baptism Devotional to see if your child is ready for water baptism.

Who will be baptizing my child?

Your child’s location pastor will be baptizing your child!

Can the whole family come?

Yes, bring anyone who would like to celebrate this moment with your child!

How old does my child need to be?

While there is no specific age requirement, we recommend your child be at least seven years old.

Will clothing be provided?

Your child will receive a special T-Shirt to wear for their baptism! Come prepared with a dark pair of pants and change of clothes to change into.

Where do I register my child?

You can register your child below. This will be sent to your location Kids Director who will follow up with you for more information!

Our Team

Our Radiant Kids Team is here to partner with parents to provide an EPIC Experience for our kids. From planning the MOST FUN day of your kids week to being a resource on all things parenting related, we are here to serve your family!

Delia Cornwell

Kids Pastor

Kendy Espinal

Central Kids Director

Holly Jacobs

Central Kids Admin

Amy Campbell

Curriculum Coordinator

Sheyann Taylor

Kids Director

Hanna Hunt

New Tampa
Kids Director

Emily Galante

Heights Kids Director

Makenzie Young

Kids Director

Laura Duffy

South Tampa
Kids Director

Trisha Szatkowski

West St. Pete
Kids Director

Dayanara Diaz

Kids Director

Genesis Bajana 

East St. Pete
Kids Director

Sarah Gower

Kids Director

Colin McGinn

Kids Director

Genesis Bajana 

East St. Pete
Kids Director

Kids Dream Team

Every Sunday, hundreds of volunteers serve in Radiant Kids across our locations. Our Kids Dream Team is committed to providing a safe place for your kids to encounter Jesus every Sunday through the context of relationship.

Each of our team members are background checked, trained and passionate about kids ministry.

If you are ready to invest in the Next Generation, our kids directors would love to meet with you!

Join The
Dream Team!