
Better Together

We believe that life change happens in the context of relationships. Our Radiant Groups are created to facilitate meaningful connections, allowing you to grow closer to others and God.

Group Sign Ups Open May 28th @ 7 pm
You can’t do life with everyone, but we can create an opportunity for everyone to find someone to do life with. Radiant groups are regular gatherings where a crowd can become a community. It’s a space where we can care for one another on a deeper level and encourage each other to become all God has called us to be.

There’s a Group for everyone!

There are Groups based on many things, such as: day of the week, frequency, type of group, age and stage of life! Choose a category that suits you to browse available Groups.


A transformational class that answers the essential questions of the faith.

Sermon Recap

We discuss the previous Sunday’s message to grow deeper together.

The Unfair Advantage

A group study digging into Pastor Aaron’s book, The Unfair Advantage.


There are so many more groups available. Browse them here.

Do you want to lead a Group?

Have you been a part of a Radiant Group and are ready to take your next step? You don’t need to have it all together to lead a Small Group—you just have to be willing to let God use you. We would love to support you in leading a Group.

Here are 3 next steps.


Apply any time and someone from our team will connect with you.


After we review your application our team will reach out to schedule your New Leader Conversation! This helps us get to know you better!


Orientations are held multiple times throughout the year. This is the last step in becoming a Radiant Group Leader!

For Group Leaders

Approved Group Leaders can register a new Group here.

A central place for all you need to lead your Group.

Your Groups

Lead a Small Group For


Frequently Asked Questions

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What if the group I'm interested in is full or closed?

Reach out to the leader! When you view the group in Church/Planning Center, there is always a link available on that groups page that allows you to directly email the leader.

How do I find a group that is the right fit for me?

On Church/Planning Center, you can filter for groups based on many things, such as: day of the week, frequency, type of group, age and stage of life!

What if I join a group and I don't like it?

Just tell the leader and they can help you find a new group that is a better fit! We won’t take it personally, we want you to find a group that you love.

What if I miss a week?

That’s okay! Just communicate with your leader so they know you won’t be there. We do miss you when you cannot attend, but we do understand that things come up. Please note that if you miss 3 weeks in a row and do not communicate or respond to your leader, you will be removed from the group.

What Is Foundations?

 Foundations is a transformational class that answers the essential questions of the faith, equipping the members of Radiant Church to understand foundational theology and how to be a life-long learner of the Bible. This is a 24 week program broken up into two 12 week semesters”

I can't find the type of group I'm looking for
See a need, fill it! We encourage you to become an approved Radiant Group Leader and lead the group you think we are missing! Click here to apply to become Radiant Group Leader
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How can groups impact my life?

“As a military family, we have experienced a lot of transitions with meeting new people and churches throughout the last 20 years, yet it was important that we maintained our commitment to serving God. There’s a wholesome community in gathering with fellow Christians, especially with being a part of Radiant Foundations. This experience has truly elevated and strengthened our spiritual growth with God.”

Ty and Tarsha Purnell

Ty and Tarsha Purnell


“I used to walk in and out of Sunday service without knowing anyone – that is now a thing of the past after joining a women’s small group and Foundations! I feel so connected to the Radiant community and look forward to midweek to dive deeper into the Word, build connections, the snacks, and having fun! Groups undoubtedly enhance the Radiant experience – 10/10 recommend”

Elise Redmann

Elise Redmann

East St. Pete

“Prior to my involvement in groups my routine was Sunday service and my personal Bible study and prayer time, however something was missing. In groups I found that missing piece. The opportunity for more intimate fellowship, interaction, accountability, and collective focus of moving ourselves and others towards Christ. Lastly, groups has provided me with a greater purpose and responsibility to strengthen my walk while encouraging others to walk with me.”

Mike Marks

Mike Marks


How Do I Become a Group Leader?
Who Can Become a Group Leader?

Those who have the following:

– A Growing relationship with Jesus

– Completed Next Steps

– Been baptized

– Have completed a semester as a member of a Radiant Group


We’d love for you to be a leader!

How to join a group using church center

What if group i'm interested in is full or closed

Have more questions?