
Join the Team

The Dream Team is the heartbeat of our church, made up of amazing volunteers who bring every aspect of Radiant to life. We believe that everyone has unique gifts to offer and that serving on the Dream Team is a powerful way to make an impact, build lasting relationships, and grow in your walk with God. Whether it’s greeting guests, leading worship, or creating a welcoming environment for kids, there’s a place for you. Click here  to learn more about the teams available and find the perfect fit for you!

Sign-up for the dream team at your location

Worship Audition





Radiant Kids exists to move kids from where they are to where God wants them to be! From 6 weeks to 5th grade, our team shows every child that God has a purpose and a plan for their life. Our goal is to partner with parents to build a foundation on God’s Word in relevant, age-appropriate and fun ways! Our 5 teams include Check-in, Dreamers (6 weeks-24 months), Explorers (2-3 years), Heroes (4-6 years) and Legends (1st-5th grades). No matter your strengths, we have a place on our team for you to impact the next generation! To provide the safest environment possible for the children at Radiant, each team member must first complete a background check before serving.


Radiant YTH exists to move YTH towards Christ, Community, and their Calling. To do this, we partner with adults who are ready to engage with this generation’s questions about their faith and be a consistent role model of what Christian adulthood looks like. To join our team we will schedule a one on one meeting with you after you fill out the Dream Team form. We can’t wait to meet you!

Welcome Team

Orange Welcome Tent

We exist to welcome our first time guests by helping them feel at home at Radiant Church. This is an opportunity to be a guests first friend, providing them with a VIP pamphlet and a T-Shirt, as well as showing them around our location and answering any questions they have about getting connected.



We are a team of photographers, videographers, and graphic designers using our creative giftings to serve our Creator! From social media posts to global music videos, our team is set on reaching people for Jesus in a unique way. Come be a part of the team that uplifts each other’s creative abilities to create opportunities for people to know Christ!

Kingdom Builders

Our team uses our gift of giving to support major projects and facilitate the overall vision of the church through strategic financial offerings.

Altar Prayer Team

Our Altar Prayer team serves at the end of each service as well as during Pray First Sundays. This team serves to come alongside and “agree in prayer” with the members of Radiant Church and consists of men and women who are faith-filled and eager to intercede on behalf of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Apply to join the team here 

Location Set up

We exist to create the very first impression people have on Radiant Church. We are first on location building out our Worship, Kids, Next Steps, Dream Team and gathering areas each week. We pursue excellence by ensuring everything is on site and in its proper place before guests arrive.


We exist to make sure everyone is refreshed and ready for church by providing coffee to all. Creating this environment allows our guests to feel the warm welcome of Radiant.

Location reseT

We exist to steward the location and materials that God has given us. We take pride in putting everything from flags to signage back in its proper place. We strive to reset the location in order to set the following Sunday up for success.


We exist to provide a warm, welcoming, and safe parking experience for anyone who attends services at Radiant. We help guests feel welcome and safe as they drive onto location by directing traffic, driving golf carts, and helping guests cross the street safely with a friendly smile.


We exist to provide an increased level of comfort and assurance for guests at every location. Using our experience, we strive to protect our Radiant guests, kids, and students, as well as providing excellent first aid care in emergency and non-emergency situations.

This position requires a background check.



Radiant Church’s worship team is the worship ministry of Radiant Church, a multi-site church in Tampa Bay. Radiant Worship exists to move people from where they are to where God wants them to be through life-giving and dynamic worship experiences. If you play an instrument or have a singing gift, you can audition to join the worship team and help people connect with God through music. Sign up to audition here.




We exist to create a distraction free environment for guests to engage in the message. Using our gifts, we strive to assist guests in seating, giving, and hosting an experience for everyone to encounter the power of God.


We exist to create the warm, Christ-filled environment of Radiant Church. We have the unique privilege of shaking hands, giving high fives, opening doors, and passing out worship guides. All to ensure that each guest feels Christ’s love being displayed through us.


The production team serves as the behind the scenes vehicle for our Sunday Morning Experience. We are a team of people from all different skill sets: lighting techs, sound engineers, computer operators and more. If you are interested in helping create a space for people to worship, this is the team for you. No experience required – training available!

Radiant Group Leaders

We are trained to facilitate Radiant Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members continue to grow in community and in their walk with Christ. For more info and to apply to become a Group leader click here.