Revival Worship Night
Revival Worship Night
This is a night where we’re going to experience the presence of God through powerful worship, a timely word, and so much more. Service will start at 5:30pm at multiple locations.
This is a night where we’re going to experience the presence of God through powerful worship, a timely word, and so much more. Service will start at 5:30pm at multiple locations.
If you are a young adult - single or married - in the age range of 18-30yrs old, then come and join us! We gather each month on the third thursday of the month. It is going to be a special night where we gather young adults from all locations and worship the name of Jesus! Come find Jesus and community.
Join us as we gather together to remember all that Jesus accomplished for us on the cross at our special Good Friday Easter Experience. We have multiple locations and services times across Tampa Bay.
Join us as we gather together to remember all that Jesus accomplished for us on the cross at our special Easter Saturday Easter Experience. We have multiple locations and services times across Tampa Bay.