

We are so excited to spend this time celebrating YOU, our awesome dream team. We've planned a day filled with inspiring sessions, uplifting worship, and meaningful connections, all aimed at ensuring you are spiritually filled and cared for.


  • 8:00am Check-in // Breakfast
  • 9:00am Session One
  • 11:00am Session Two
  • 11:30am Lunch 
  • 12:30pm Breakouts
  • 2:00pm Session Three


We have an incredible line up of breakout sessions at the conference.
Choose the one that interests you and select it when registering.


In this session, we delve into the story of marriage, where vows are not just spoken but lived daily as sacred promises. Through biblical teachings and practical advice, we’ll discover the secrets to fostering a God-centered home while investing in a marriage that can withstand life’s storms. Discover how to strengthen your marriage and raise godly kids, ensuring that your house is built to last.

Marketplace Faith

In this dynamic session, we discover the path to conducting business with unwavering integrity and Christ-like compassion. You’ll discover this isn’t just a career but a platform to radiate the love of Christ, influencing the world around you. Join us as we redefine success in the marketplace and learn how to leave a legacy that transcends mere commerce.

Dig Deep

This session equips believers with essential tools to dive deeper into the Word of God. From understanding meanings to applying timeless lessons to modern life, you’ll be set on a trajectory for spiritual growth. Explore different study methods, from historical context to personal application, learning how to study the Bible with clarity and purpose.

Peace of Mind

In this session, discover how the Bible offers guidance and wisdom amidst life’s challenges. Gain practical tips for understanding mental health and being rooted in the healing power of God’s word. Join us as we embrace the scriptural promises that heal wounds and restore souls, learning how to live in a place of peace where mental health thrives.

Answer The Call

In this session, we’ll explore how to understand and confirm individual calling. Every calling finds its purpose in serving God’s kingdom and every person has a calling. Through hands-on guidance from spiritual mentors and leaders, you will understand the gifts God has given you and how to activate them for use.

  • Dream Team Conference
  • Dream Team Conference
  • Dream Team Conference
  • Dream Team Conference
  • Dream Team Conference

Radiant Next Gen

At Conference

Kids Con

Radiant Kids Experience

Designed for infants up to 5th graders, KidsCon offers a full day of fun activities including crafts, playground time, games, snacks, and a special lesson tailored to help them take the next step in their faith journey.

We are thrilled to have guest speaker Kyle Jorris, a dedicated children and family evangelist, who will share God’s love with them in a meaningful way.

special guest

Kyle Jorris

4 The Yth

Radiant YTH Experience
For our Radiant YTH, we have a fantastic program lined up that includes their own sessions as well as opportunities to join in on some of the main sessions. We will have fun activities planned and have lunch together! This is a great chance for them to grow spiritually, connect with their peers, and be part of the larger Dream Team community.